One of the most popular articles online is John T. Reed’s Real Estate B.S. Craftsman Detection Checklist. Same way a checklist for life experience degree is available from Bryan Parker (Consultant of SSU), in which he mentioned about those universities which says that, they are legitimate and have great credibility in corporate world.

It is a fact that in online world to claim any university as fake and scam we have to be victim of fraud or deceit. But I (Bryan Parker) have searched a lot and made a checklist which help students to be aware of those fake and scam universities which claim to have legitimate recognition through government in USA.

However, I could have spend the next 2 months to make a list of all fake and scam universities but I thought it won’t help you because in future more fake and scam sites coming online and they also claim to be the most reliable university in USA and having regional accreditation. That’s why I created my own college degree scam detection checklist for you.

Here is my own College Degree Scam Detection Checklist:
  • Accreditation: The most important thing to see either university is legitimate or not you must have to investigate about its accredited organization. If you see relevant and authoritative results in Google, Yahoo and Bing etc… then the last step will be to see either university is accredited regionally or nationally.


  • Reputation: After checking the accreditation of the university you must chat or call to support executives and see if they are emphasizing their legitimacy then you must have to check reviews of that university. Most of legitimate universities having big ratio of dissatisfy students. Even you can see how much they follow privacy rules and is your money is safe with them or not.


  • Samples: If any University saying that, they can’t provide you any samples of their document then it is not a good one because every university has instruction from authorities to show their samples to students who want to get enroll with their degree program. Even traditional ones show what kind of degree documents you are going to obtain. Experience based degree programs are also bound by Higher Education to show students what they are obtaining.


  • Credit & Hours Transfer: Students should see how experience based degree program universities are providing credit hours and units to transcript and which subjects they are showing according to curriculum of your selected major. If you see no standard subjects/courses in transcript then you must leave that university website.


  • Courses Inspection: Every student has rights to see their transcript after printing process. Most Universities will ask you for payment and they will print the documents after payment confirmation. It’s their rights. But what are your rights? You can ask scanned copies before shipment to see either transcript is good enough and having all the standard curriculum courses or not.


  • Support: Each university have support executives and different departments by which they reply students and if they don’t have different department and if their chat/call/email support is not providing at least 24/5 support then its reputation is not good enough and you should avoid using that kind of university to obtain your experience based degree.


  • Degree Verification: Most of the universities claim that, they will provide complete verification to employers but you have to see what the modes of verification which they are using are and is their department is different from admission department. Also you need to see how many and which kind of designated members are involved in verification department.


  • Refund Policy: Check what kind of refund policy these university have if you see no refund policy in any university website then you should not take the degree from that university.


  • Alumni List: Every University has some previous satisfied student’s reviews; degree details and graduation date on which they have successfully receive their degree. You should see how many satisfied students are there and you should not only check the alumni list of that university but also have to check what other review sites are saying about the degree program of that university.


  • Scholarship Program: In last I would say that check if university is stated that it’s a state related university then they must have some quota to provide brilliant student a scholarship program and if they are not providing that then they must not be a state related university or they must have low recognition in other states.


I hope my efforts have helped you a lot to find scam and fake university from genuine ones. We all need to increase our life style through our education because education is the right path to get appropriate jobs in this recession.

Please share your thoughts and guide me to make much better checklist for students who have been victimize by fake and scam universities.

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By admin